====== ↓Old version of the website↓ ===== *[[start.html|old website]]
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VOCAKEY-May you sing the songs of your heart [VOCAKEY]

VOCAKEY is a WIKI that allows you to freely share your VOCALOID software library resources - you can edit as much as you want after registering - please be sure to fill in the "Edit Summary" when editing.
If you don't know how to edit it see syntax Learn about WikiGrammar; if you want to try something out, go first to playground warm oneself。

!Note: The original website VOCAKEY.INFO domain name has expired and the webmaster has not renewed it for a long time. We together with love to generate electricity! [The new version of VOCALOID sound library sharing station is more intuitive and easy to use! You can click the following link to visit!]

[[https://shengku.imikufans.fun|iMikufans VOCALOID sound library sharing site]] [[https://blog.imikufans.fun|iMikufans Club Personal blog site]]

The new site will continue the previous sharing norms, and the site will always be non-profit in nature. And we promise not to insert advertisements. If you have any resources, please click the link to upload over, please indicate the name of the contributor and the board that needs to be uploaded, we will actively upload. I am not the original webmaster and am not able to provide updated cracking tools and cracked version of the software. Please do not use any cracked software or sound libraries provided by this site to create and upload music to the music platform. This site will retain the original VOCAKEY site content available links, and add more convenient and fast server downloads and OneDrive disk links. Avoid problems such as slow downloads from Baidu.com, failure to open external disks, and link failures. 

A note about the VOCALOID Crack Editor
The earliest use of AE as an acronym was because the cracking organization was the ASSiGN group, which disbanded in early 2015 without working on a subsequent version.
v3.0.4.1/v3.0.5.0 was made by a foreigner friend. The author indicates the naming conventionVOCALOID3_Free_Editionabridge:V3FE
On November 02, 2012, the R2R group continued to use V3AE to release some sound libraries with the v3.0.5.0 editor (with bugs). The previous cracked editors were all V3FE, but due to the VOCALOID Association in China deleting the original author's information and re-injecting their own information, they were re-released under the name of V3AE, The author and source of the resulting crack was confused for a while.
On July 15, 2018, VOCALOID5 was cracked by SLIVERFOX organization. The author notes the nomenclature asVOCALOID5_Editor_Share_VersionAbbreviated as V5ESV, and declares prohibitions on the name.

By no coincidence, history repeated itself again on 2018/08/09. the V5ESV author publicized the list of misappropriators, confirming that is ColdP individuals who violated the requirements of the original author of V5ESV by deleting the original author's relevant information and re-injecting their own information into the name of an independent cracked product, V5FE, for a secondary release.

Updated February 3, 2022 with a new list of secondary sellers of cracked resources.

The resources on this site are all from the Internet/sharing, and are intended to be used for non-profit purposes only, such as learning and technical exchanges!

Use of the resources of this site to participate in any profit (including paid gifts) commercial behavior, please bear the consequences.

VOCAKEY has not any of the resources on this site to any public group sites or groups of robotic nature.

A list of known pirate stores can be found at List of secondary sellers of VOCALOID cracked resources (There are bad guy!!!)

If you want to buy or support the official version of the software, here are some URLs, currently only a few Taobao stores in mainland China are genuine
Shanghai Wo Nien,Shanghai WangchengPingXingSiJieQuadimensionAudio Unlimited (Anda Audio)MikaiMusic Unopened MusicXin Chuang HuaXiMuYe musical instruments
Vocaloid Official Website

====== Supplemental Connection Help ====== * [[bulian|If the link doesn't work, you can leave a comment here to ask for help!]] ====== Webmaster News ====== When editing the pages of this site, there are a few chances that links or content will disappear. \\\ Just made a recovery of the user text registration file \\\ Possibly recently registered new users need to re-register ...... — [ --- //[[systemzhang123@outlook.com|syskuku]] 2023/08/21 17:14// ====== message center ====== * [[message|Click on this entry to enter the message board message]]。 ====== Updated news ====== **Updated on [July 15, 2023]:\\ V6 library(ies): New AI sound library ZOLA Project\\ V6 library(ies): New AI sound library Sound Street ウナ\\ V6 library(ies): New AI sound library Rune Color (Fuiro)\\ V6 library(ies): New AI sound library Po -uta\\ Updated V6 Editor 6.1.0 Support Chinese GUMI\\ V4 library(ies):Hatsune Miku V4 Chinese Updated version\\ V5 library(ies):Carenna Crystal (カレンナ Crystal) V5 Chinese** ====== VOCALOID sound libraries and tools sharing ====== **VOCALOID (First Generation) Sound Bank and Editor** * [[vocaloid_crack|First Generation Editors and Tools]] * [[vocaloid_library|Sound source/library]] **VOCALOID2 Sound Bank & Editor** * [[pocaloid.html|POCALOID Editor & Tools]] * [[pocaloid_library.html|POCALOID Cracked Sound Source/Sound Bank]](Updated FE/AE Direct Load) * [[vocaloid2_crack.html|Original Crack and Installation]] * [[vocaloid2_library.html|Original sound source/library]] **VOCALOID3 Sound Bank & Editor** * [[vocaloid3_crack|Vocaloid 3 Main Editor & Tools]] * [[vocaloid3_library|Sound source/library]] **VOCALOID4 Sound Bank & Editor** * [[vocaloid4_crack|Vocaloid 4 Main Editor & Tools]] * [[vocaloid4_library|Sound source/library]] **VOCALOID5 Sound Bank & Editor** * [[vocaloid4_plus|Vocaloid4 editor and tools compatible with Vocaloid5 sound library]] (4.5 generation) * [[vocaloid5_crack|Vocaloid5 main editor and tools]] * [[vocaloid5_library|Sound source/library]] **VOCALOID6 Sound Bank & Editor** * [[vocaloid6_crack|Vocaloid6 main editor and tools]] * [[vocaloid6_library|Sound source/library]] **Integration of sound sources/libraries** * [[pocaloid_all.html|POCALOID2 Cracked Edition Collection (Baidu Netdisk)]] * [[vocaloid3_all.html|VOCALOID3 Sound Source/Sound Bank Collection (with Part V2) (Baidu netdiisks)]] * [[https://mikulove-my.sharepoint.com/:f:/g/personal/syskuku_mikulove_onmicrosoft_com/EgqpEdSBuNBDp36iY743dQsB1JHdh38kr6OIOVqkX008Yw?e=NIwhqX|VOCALOID4 Sound Source/Sound Bank Collection (Microsoft Netbook)]] * [[https://mikulove-my.sharepoint.com/:f:/g/personal/syskuku_mikulove_onmicrosoft_com/Es9k9FjzqS1EuQ3HrfJRKC4BLM0d6p5P_9vgd-AzKk55OA?e=T37SGa|VOCALOID5 Sound Source/Sound Bank Collection]] * [[https://mikulove-my.sharepoint.com/:f:/g/personal/syskuku_mikulove_onmicrosoft_com/ErWtFlD7MAdFiiIOz1tn-_cB_1rNTHT46itxF9r8gPZVqQ?e=BCAuYP|VOCALOID6 Sound Source/Sound Bank Collection]] **VOCALOID FOR MACOS Sound libraries and editors** * [[vocaloid_macos|vocaloidEditors and Tools_for_macOS]] * [[vocaloid3_mac|Vocaloid3 Library for macOS]] * [[vocaloid4_mac|Vocaloid4 Library for macOS]] * [[vocaloid5_mac|Vocaloid5 Library for macOS]] * [[vocaloid6_mac|Vocaloid6 Library for macOS]] **VOCALOID partially licensed sound library (16-bit activation code required)** * [[genuinevoice.html|VOCALOID Genuine Soundtrack]] (Genuine soundtracks from reprinted original CD-ROMs and VOCALOID international retail stores) ====== Other editors, sound libraries and arranger software to share ====== **Other engine sound libraries and editors** * [[synthesizer_v_Ⅰ_编辑器与声库|Synthesizer V Editor (R1) Editors and sound libraries]] * [[synthesizer_v_Ⅱ_编辑器与声库|Synthesizer V Studio (R2) Editors and sound libraries]] * [[piapro_studio_free_edition_for_v4x_windows|Piapro Studio Free Edition For V4x {Windows}]] * [[piapro_studio_nt|Piapro Studio NT]] * [[cevio_creative_studio|CeVIO Creative Studio]] * [[cevio_ai|CeVIO AI]] * [[cevio_ai_cracked|CeVIO AI cracked]] * [[ace_studio|ACE Studio]] * [[voisona|VoiSona]] * [[vogen|Project Vogen]] * [[yuan77|Yuan Qiqi Song Editor]] * [[niao|Niaoniao virtual singer v2.2]] * [[niao3|Niaoniao virtual singer v3.0.02]] * [[muta|MUTA]] * [[aisingers|AISingers]] * [[dv|DeepVocal]] * [[sk|Sharpkey]] * [[大市唱|DaShiChang]] **Composition and arranging software** * [[flstudio|FL Studio Cracks & Original]] * [[cubase11|Cubase 11 Pro cracked version]] * [[cubase12_mac|Cubase 12 Pro Mac cracked version]] * [[cubase12_win|Cubase 12 Pro Win cracked version]] * [[https://soundbug.com/|Soundbug Free Arranger Software]] * [[studio_one_5|Studio One Original & Crack]] * [[https://lmms.io/|LMMS Free Arranger Software]] * [[cakewalk|CakeWalk]] * [[ab1120|Ableton Live 11 Crack]] ====== speech synthesis software ====== * [[voiceroid|Voiceroid]] [Updated msi installation version] * [[voicepeak trial version_for_win|VOICEPEAK trial version(For Win)]] * [[voicepeak trial version_for_mac|VOICEPEAK trial version(For Mac)]] * [[megpoid_talk|Megpoid Talk]] ====== WIKI Tutorial ====== If you want to edit the Wiki, why don't you take a look at the following tutorial first. [[start6|WIKI Tutorial Page]] ====== Job Plugins ====== * [[jobplugins|Job Plugins]] * [[vocalistener|VOCALOID3 Job Plugin VocaListener]] * [[vocalistener4|VOCALOID4 Job Plugin VocaListener]] * [[autosave|Autosave Plugin]] ====== Publishing and Sharing ====== * [[show_time|showshare (joys, benefits, privileges etc) with others]] * [[show_time#Conditioning aids|Conditioning aids]] * [[show_time#Editorial Aids|Editorial Aids]] * [[show_time#vst plugin|VST plugin]] * [[show_time#Accompaniment separation software|Accompaniment separation software]] * [[show_time#Sharing of tuning works|Sharing of tuning works]] ====== Read about VOCALOID ====== * [[http://vocaloid.wikia.com/wiki/Vocaloid_Wiki|Vocaloid Wiki]] * [[http://vocawiki.net/doku.php|vocawiki.net(Chinese/中文)]] * [[http://www.vocaloidnews.net/|Vocaloid News Net]] ====== particular thanks ====== * [[contribution|Click to see the list of people vocakey would like to express their gratitude to]]。 ====== Official website ====== **hope you support the official version of the software** **[[https://www.vocaloid.com/|VOCALOID Official website]]**\\ **[[https://net.vocaloid.com/articles/closed_vocaloidstore|VOCALOID Official International Retail Station]] Closed**\\ **[[http://www.zenith-grp.com/henian/|Shanghai Henian Information Technology Co.]] New website has been changed**\\ [[https://vsinger.com/|Vsinger Official website]]\\ [[http://wangcheng-sh.com|Shanghai Wangcheng Information Technology Co.]]\\ [[http://gynoid.co.jp|Gynoid Co Official website]]\\ [[https://www.crypton.co.jp|Crypton Products official website]]\\ [[https://www.ssw.co.jp|INTERNET Products official website]]\\ [[https://www.ah-soft.com|AHS Products official website]]\\ [[http://1stplace.co.jp/software/vocaloid|1st PLACE Products official website]]\\ [[http://i-style.surpara.com/character|i-Style Project Products official website]]\\ [[http://exittunes.com|Exittunes Official website]]\\ [[http://www.zero-g.co.uk|Zero-G limited]]\\ [[https://powerfx.com|PowerFX Systems AB]]\\ [[http://www.voctro-vocaloid.com|Voctro Labs, S.L.]]\\ [[https://ava01.com|Akatsuki Virtual Artists Inc.]]\\ [[http://stmedia.kr|ST MEDiA Co., Ltd.]]\\ [[http://poppro.cn|POPPRO|Hatsune Miku Official Chinese Submission Website]]\\ [[https://shop.m.taobao.com/shop/shop_index.htm?user_id=678151706|Quadimention|PingXingSiJie Taobao Official Store]]\\ [[https://dreamtonics.com/synthesizerv/|Synthesizer V Official website | Dreamtonics株式会社]]\\ [[https://www.anicute.com|Synthesizer V Agent in Taiwan, China|Animen ANiCUTE]]\\ [[https://www.ah-soft.com/product/series.html#synth-v|Synthesizer V Japan Agent|AH-Software]]\\ [[http://cevio.jp|CeVIO Official website]]\\ [[https://ace-studio.timedomain.cn/|ACE-Studio Official website]]\\ [[https://voisona.com/|VoiSona Official website]]\\ [[https://github.com/aqtq314/Vogen.Client|Project Vogen official warehouse]]\\ [[http://aisingers.com/|AISingers Official website]]\\ [[http://aisingers.com/ai/77editor/|Yuan Qiqi Song Editor Official website]]\\ [[http://www.dsoundsoft.com/product/niaoeditor/|Niaoniao virtual singer Official website]]\\ [[https://deep-vocal.com/#/|DeepVocal Official website]]\\ [[https://www.vocalsharp.com/|VocalSharp Official website]]\\ ====== Editorial & Reprint Notes ====== **Except where otherwise noted, content on this wiki is distributed under the following license: [[https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/|Name tag-Noncommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 Unported (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)]]\\ You are republishing, editing any of the content of this wiki is deemed to agree to this above agreement. \\ You need to share in the same way (using the same CC license as vocakey and with the original information) any content you post anywhere that is quoted or edited from this vocakey** ====== Website update information ====== * 2023-08-24 [[en|更新English翻译]] H2Oqidian