Job Plugins

The collection is shared by enthusiasts from around the world.An excel file below the compressed file,and uses and attentions in it,which is convenient for everyone to use.
The excel file of author: 幽灵子,recollection:微笑君
合集(collection):链接: 提取码:sanr

原版本VOCALOID5编辑器已不再支持Job Plugins!,但使用VOCALOID5 Function Patch后是可以支持的

/www/wwwroot/mnbt.56329058/data/pages/jobplugins.txt · 最后更改: 2023/09/01 12:56 (外部编辑)
除额外注明的地方外,本维基上的内容按下列许可协议发布: CC Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported
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