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====== POCALOID2 ====== {{http://old.vocalover.com/user_up/upload/images/po.jpg}} Christmas gifts from 11 zone(Japan) peace-out group,All members in V2 。 POCALOID is the ultimate hacked VOCALOID system by TEAM peace-out. Even if the vocal synthesis technology is a revolution of the software, its installations and systems are far from perfect. POCALOID was hacked and optimized for creators, the best way to use VOCALOID technology. **If you think P2 is quite different from V2,** **So please download V2 instead** ===== Instructions ===== - Manager - System - Library ===== Pay attention ===== (Thanks Sakura for offering) If you can't run POCALOID2 Editor,Please install them in order:manager、system and at least a library,then run manager,Click initialize voice database map,And Click Run POCALOID2 Singer Editor,Close it,run POCALOID2 editor again,the matter will be solved。when you install or uninstall a new library ,you have to do this…… Q:If I only install manager and system,can I use DB of miku,ruka? Or I must use DB for Pocaloid?\\ A:you can't,POCALOID2 is different from V2,So P2 can not use DBs of V2。\\ ===== Manager ===== **POCALOID2.Manager.v1.1.1-ASSiGN.rar**\\ http://115.com/file/cmgubuxp ===== System ===== {{http://old.vocalover.com/user_up/images/system.png}}\\ **POCALOID2.System.STANDALONE.VSTi.v2.1.2-ASSiGN**\\ http://u.115.com/file/f75c08fb26\\ http://u.115.com/file/f85c0cbc49 ===== Other ===== Solution for installing Rin and CV01-DARK together (thanks yxmline)\\ http://bbs.ivocaloid.com/thread-57199-1-1.html