Warning: Undefined array key "translationlc" in /www/wwwroot/vocakey.imikufans.com/lib/plugins/autotranslation/action.php on line 229
Warning: Undefined array key "REMOTE_USER" in /www/wwwroot/vocakey.imikufans.com/lib/plugins/tplmod/action.php on line 107
====== VOCALOID5声源/声库合集======
Onedrive补链(V5声库) [[https://mikulove-my.sharepoint.com/:f:/g/personal/syskuku_mikulove_onmicrosoft_com/Es9k9FjzqS1EuQ3HrfJRKC4BLM0d6p5P_9vgd-AzKk55OA?e=8Ekyl9|前往下载]]
1. Install Editor VOCALOID5_Editor_5.0.1, perform update VOCALOID5_Editor_Update_5.2.0 optionally you can install - VOCALOID4_5_Editor_for_Cubase_4.5.0, it can work with V5 libraries too\\
2. Install libraries, you can use V5 libraries and also any legit\original or FE libraries from V4\V3 generations, they all can work with this V5 editor\\
3. Install "crack" VOCALOID5_try.exe, all trial periods will be enhanced for V3\V4\V5 libraries and V3\V4\V5 editors (also you can use this tool with V4 or V3 trial installations if you don't like FE editor for some reason)
torrent upd: 13.12.2018