Warning: Undefined array key "translationlc" in /www/wwwroot/vocakey.imikufans.com/lib/plugins/autotranslation/action.php on line 229
Warning: Undefined array key "REMOTE_USER" in /www/wwwroot/vocakey.imikufans.com/lib/plugins/tplmod/action.php on line 107
====== VocaListener ======
可以免開V3編輯器直接啟動 需要預先安裝[[http://howfile.com/file/6b5fc7bb/6d2fa973/|NTLEA0.92]]\\
僅支援日文作業系統(可嘗試先用Microsoft AppLocale啟動V3編輯器 或使用虛擬機器裝日文系統)\\
在V3FE中添加 V3VocaListener.lua (任務 -> 管理任務外掛程式),\\
導入伴奏wav,選擇人聲段落之後啟動外掛程式(Job-plugins -> 執行任務外掛程式)\\
* **P.S. WIN7/8可以直接打開 僅僅是打開 要想用推薦改系統區域到日本**\\
* **P.S. 可用Microsoft AppLocale 或 NTLEA 等軟體載入運行**\\
* **P.S. Microsoft AppLocale可能會對系統語言顯示造成__干擾__ 使用前請慎重考慮**
* **P.S. Microsoft AppLocale不正常 解決方法 by:[[http://bbs.ivocaloid.com/forum.php?mod=redirect&goto=findpost&ptid=110102&pid=865768|ShikittyS]]**\\ 打開C:\WINDOWS\AppPatch 目錄下 找到AppLoc.tmp檔 用記事本形式打開\\ 刪除裡面的所有字 再把這個檔案屬性保存為唯讀 就OK了
尊重原作 抵制篡改貢獻者等行為\\
VocaListener is a singing synthesis system that automatically estimates parameters for singing synthesis from a user's singing voice with the help of song lyrics. Its creators are Tomoyasu Nakano and Masataka Goto.\\
VocaListener was released as a plug-in for Vocaloid3 on the 19th of October\\
protection: time-limit, custom entries.\\
vocalistener for Vocaloid3FE350+ (previous versions are not fully compatible with plugin)\\
this is the final cracked release for this version of the plugin (i.e. public release)\\
*not compatible with legit Vocaloid3-editor\\
Launch V3-editor only in Japanase OS-mode (with Applocal or virtual machine)\\
Add V3VocaListener.lua inside V3-editor (Job-plugins->Manage Job-plugins), \\
import instrumental wav in V3-editor, select vocal part and then launch plugin (Job-plugins->Execute plugin)\\
press first button (on the upper left) to open vocal-wav, select some part and select first option in context menu\\
then you will see window which allows you to type symbols there\\
enter notes in plugin only with Hiragana symbols!!!\\
i recommend to watch this (as manual for plugin)\\
http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm19224389 or http://youtu.be/gJfCFQkhTGo\\
also you can read japanese pdf-manual using google translator\\
p.s.: Original vocalistener have many bugs, i didn't remove those bugs, but only protection.\\
AT least you shouldn't pay 250$ for this crap \\