Warning: Undefined array key "translationlc" in /www/wwwroot/vocakey.imikufans.com/lib/plugins/autotranslation/action.php on line 229
Warning: Undefined array key "REMOTE_USER" in /www/wwwroot/vocakey.imikufans.com/lib/plugins/tplmod/action.php on line 107
====== VOCALOID3原版聲源合集======
[[链接: http://pan.baidu.com/s/1ntr7oCD 密码: ht60]]
http://yunpan.cn/cf2fuxQbQ3mtr (提取碼:f256)\\
**Howfile:**http://howfile.com/ls/6b5fc7bb/49caa1fc/ \\
**V3的R2R組破解版**:http://pan.baidu.com/share/link?shareid=157881&uk=2718213763 | [[http://pan.baidu.com/share/link?shareid=173946&uk=3003393241|備用地址]]\\
===== 115盤:V2聲源合集 =====
**part1** http://115.com/file/dn97uevt\\
**part2** http://115.com/file/e6rbxa5d\\
**part3** http://115.com/file/dn97ajwr\\
**part4** http://115.com/file/dn97aogt\\
**part5** http://115.com/file/bh02byxs\\
**part6** http://115.com/file/clopi8tu\\
**part7** http://115.com/file/e6rb0avk\\
**part8** http://115.com/file/dn97u93r\\
**Legacy Libraries Bundle Vol.1 includes:**
* Hatsune Miku
* Hatsune Miku Dark (Beta)
* Hatsune Miku Soft (Beta)
* Hatsune Miku Dark
* Hatsune Miku Light
* Hatsune Miku Soft
* Hatsune Miku Solid
* Hatsune Miku Sweet
* Hatsune Miku Vivid
* Kagamine Rin
* Kagamine Rin ACT2
* Kagamine Rin Power
* Kagamine Rin Sweet
* Kagamine Rin Warm
* Kagamine Len
* Kagamine Len ACT2
* Kagamine Len Cold
* Kagamine Len Power
* Kagamine Len Serious
* Megurine Luka (ENG)
* Megurine Luka (JPN)
**part1** http://115.com/file/clfsmve2\\
**part2** http://115.com/file/clfsmgtg\\
**part3** http://115.com/file/e6m5wuta\\
**Legacy Libraries Bundle Vol.2 includes:**
* Hiyama Kiyoteru
* Kaai Yuki
* Nekomura Iroha
* SF-A2 miki
* Gachapoid
* Gackpoid
* Lily
* Megpoid
* Utatane Piko
* VY1
* VY2
**part1** http://115.com/file/e6md145c\\
**part2** http://115.com/file/e6md178o\\
**part3** http://115.com/file/clf7nr4d\\
**part4** http://115.com/file/e6mddoac\\
**part5** http://115.com/file/aq168gvz
**Legacy Libraries Bundle Vol.3 includes:**
* BigAl
* Sweet Ann
**Vol.1的:** http://115.com/file/dn97bq7r\\
**Vol.2的:** http://115.com/file/bh0292fo\\
**Vol.3的:** http://115.com/file/aqaggt52
不過需要注意的是初版PO裡的雙子DB會存在有相容性問題 如果你不確定你下載的是什麼版本的話不太建議使用此方法裝雙子。
====== 其他 ======
**Description for this torrent:**
V2-vocaloids folder contains V2-libraries preactivated for V3, one installer for each voice (even for Appends): \\
more comfortable to download if you need to install certain library \\
much better compressed than AE-packs (overall about 9.7Gb versus 13,7Gb for AE-packs)\\
installed folder have an appropriate singer-name\\
V3-vocaloid folder contains new V3-libraries cracked by AlexVox at different times
SeeU (19.12.2011), Yuzuki (07.01.2012), Clara (10.01.2012), Bruno (11.01.2012), Mew (22.01.2012), Oliver (22.01.2012), IA (18.02.2012), Tone Rion (19.02.2012), Gumi V3 Extend (20.02.2012), CUL (20.02.2012), VY1V3 (20.02.2012), Aoki Lapis (14.04.2012)
Packages of SeeU , Mew, Tone Rion, IA, VY1V3, Aoki Lapis also contains wav-files for breaths, exVoice for Yuzuki provided as separate folder. Unfortunately, there are no wav-breaths for Bruno&Clara. For all other libraries breaths enters as br1-br5 (like with V2-vocaloids)
V3-editor folder contains newest Vocaloid3 Free Edition ( at this moment)\\
though, you can still use V3AE for ALL libraries in this torrent, but newest V3-editor is preferred