Warning: Undefined array key "translationlc" in /www/wwwroot/vocakey.imikufans.com/lib/plugins/autotranslation/action.php on line 229

Warning: Undefined array key "REMOTE_USER" in /www/wwwroot/vocakey.imikufans.com/lib/plugins/tplmod/action.php on line 107

Table of Contents

<WRAP column 60%>

VOCAKEY is a wiki to share Vocaloid resource. <wrap hi>New address: http://vocakey.info/</wrap>

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<WRAP important 60%> 关于VOCALOID3破解版编辑器的声明
Please do not refer the v3.0.4.1 editor, cracked version as V3AE, it is disrespectful for the writter.
The reason for the intertwisting of these two names is because of some organizations' ulterior motivation–to override the original information with their own and to publish as the name of V3AE.
The earliest abbreviation ,which is AE, came from the cracking group ASSiGN. However, the ASSiGN group was dismissed at the beginning of the year thus did not complete the cracking for the series after.
The cracked version is made by an international friend. This writter has clearly stated the name–VOCALOID3 Free Editor–in the installing pack. :<wrap em>VOCALOID3 Free Editor</wrap> And the offical abbreviation is V3FE. </WRAP>

All tools and Sound sources about Vocaloid

please set the language to Chinese to get more information
the page in different language has different information
it seems that the Chinese page has the most information
This is a kind reminder
At the same time, I'm sorry for my poor English





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※All the software from Internet,Only for Noncommercial and training behavior ※
※Mustn't use files from this wiki to do any commercial(including Paid gift)behavior※


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