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VOCALOID5 Editor Share Version [【VOCAKEY】iMikufans-愿你唱出心中的歌]
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VOCALOID5 Editor Share Version

VOCALOID5 Editor Share Version

Crack By SliverFox:

https://pan.baidu.com/s/1PqCq2GXlp9Ha5vjYuPjSzA 密码: hgyr

The orginal disk of VOCALOID Libraries(V3/V4/V5) is support directly.not need more.If you need POCALOID3/4 support you should switch the mode and load pocaloid libraries.
The VST support have bugs in the YAMAHA releases version(legal).The Language Dll havn't be found if it work as VST…
Scskarsper fixed it and sent the code to me,I compiled it,now.
unzip it to {app}\Editor\ and replaces VOCALOID5.exe/dll the VSTi will worked
Another: he added mutilanguage support in it, somebody can translate GUI directly by TXT files on {app}\Editor\languages folder.
The patch could be download in

链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1Eu8jlzre88knSvjhL-V9DA 密码: n5e6
And the fully download had been updated to this version

<WRAP important 50%> Some Notice About VOCALOID5
No Any Body is allowed to revise the package name of the product (VOCALOID5 E.S.V. or POCALOID5 Editor) without consent and repackage it in his or her own package name, whether it is a translation or some others. It is broken the 0Day's Rule. Unless you follow the package name. If the file algorithm and mark check told us some body did it, the SliverFox will publish the vampire list in accordance with the Rules and Record it to the mRIC blacklist.

/www/wwwroot/vocakey.imikufans.com/data/pages/en/vocaloid5_crack.txt · Last modified: 2023/07/29 05:28
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